#1: Are you brave enough to Try Life On?

newsletter Feb 11, 2023

So, what’s the purpose?

  • To help you make extraordinary, ordinary
  • To help you plug into the planet and earth as intended
  • To help you develop habits to achieve the five freedoms
  • To help you create a lifestyle you don’t need a vacation from
  • To help you break the system and steer away from the status quo
  • To help you learn how to leverage the 9-5 more than it leverages you

Give I’ve done it over 25 years using trial and error, and a mindset of doing and course correcting along the way. Going to share how and why, as well as expose you to people who’ve done same in their own unique way (I don’t have the market cornered).

 Plain and simple. ‘Try Life On’ is a philosophy and approach, a Mindset, Skillset and Soulset that has led to a wonderful life journey (which continues). Going to expose you to it to better yours.


Life is something you can practice and ‘TRY ON’, constantly. We’re here to thrive, not exist… not just do status quo stuff neighbors, coworkers, family, and society seem to solicit from us.

On average, we have 28,000 days in a lifetime. I have approximately 12,045 days left, if I’m lucky. I don’t have time for status quo. Neither do you. Status quo sucks.

Once I realized it, I got aggressive about designing life, intentionally having work and personal experiences that would fill my life book with memories and joy. Money plays a role, but there’s ways to hack the pursuit of it such that it supports your life, and doesn’t consume it.

I'm 47 now, retired from the W-2 world, with absolute time, financial and geographic freedom. I’ve learned how to make the planet very small in order to have worldwide experiences regularly. Planes are just Uber once you learn how to travel hack. Frankly, I beat the system. I still beat it everyday. I want that for you (however it makes sense for you).

My goal was a lifestyle we don’t need a vacation from, creating experiences and relationships that enrich along the way…

  • acting on TV shows
  • trying out for the NFL
  • 25-year corporate exec.
  • earning my way to Lt. Colonel
  • buying thousands of apartments
  • becoming a special agent in charge
  • serving in Africa, Mideast, and Europe
  • travel hacking to 100 countries, 350 times
  • opening several clubs, restaurants, and businesses
  • living in & developing real estate in the Mediterranean
  • private equity firm founder (really proud of this one)
  • 33-year-old rookie police officer to serving the local community
  • philanthropic projects across Washington DC and the Mideast
  • OUTRIGHT financial, time, and geographic freedom for anything.

Did most of the above for 15+ years, at the same time. Love when people say it’s not possible, there’s no time.

The list will grow. Not trying to be everything, go everywhere. Just never liked the idea of pressing repeat because life should constantly evolve.

I see Trying Life On as constant learning because I have just one fear...


Everyone should Try Life On, we have just one. Don't default to the status quo. Do or learn that thing you've always wanted to. Attack work and personal life with reckless abandon.

When we graduate from high school or college, we’re given a set of rules to operate by – get a job, climb the ladder, get the home, buy stuff, and be happy with what you got. That’s called status quo, and it’s a garbage default approach to life. I don’t operate by those rules. I figured out a different set and I’m going to share them with you. I call them TLO principles. To name a few…

  • Five freedoms (time, financial, geographic, purpose, relationships)
  • Asking better questions
  • Try Life On Trial Runs
  • Climb one mountain, go down, and climb another
  • I feel good when
  • Leverage 9-5 more than it leverages you
  • The ‘And’ not ‘Or’ approach
  • Make your investing life easy, day-to-day life hard
  • Being selfish now to be selfless later
  • Make the world smaller
  • Freedom = time + mobility
  • Finding your tribe

And the key to Try Life On…

  • Designed lifestyle = your dream day + personal life blueprint + work life blueprint

My coaching students know all of this and are using it to make radical lifestyle switches for themselves and their families, building business and financial freedom while stacking experiences and relationships to fill their life book.

There is a lot more. We can get into it later. I’m excited to do it.

I introduced myself, my story, and the Try Life On approach during a Q&A session last week… If you didn’t attend, watch the video below. It will orient you to what’s coming.

For now, thanks for signing up. I won’t be spamming you ever. Not my thing. I will, however, send you a message once every week or so to help you build lifestyle you don’t need vacation. You can reply, I will see it and I will respond to you.

Know that I’ll be releasing exclusive content here. Stay tuned.

I’m going to help you Try Life On, your way.

