#43: Power of Your Subconscious Mind

newsletter Mar 10, 2025

Systematic Patience & the Subconscious Mind

Vision + Systematic Patience = Anything You Want

That’s the formula I created at age 25. I've talked about it before and wanted to bring it up again. Essentially it means if you have a dream, something you really desire, through inspired action, it will become material. Most people understand vision, but lack systematic patience to bring it to life.

Everything I’ve accomplished—financial freedom, travels to 100s of countries, real estate, living in the Mediterranean, law enforcement, trying for the NFL, owning restaurants & clubs, starting a private equity firm, acting, being a Dad—started as a vision. And those visions were deep rooted with emotion pushing me to inspired action towards them no matter how long it took.

What I realize now is for years I've unknowingly tapped into the power of the subconscious. My father tried for decades to express to me how powerful we are from the inside out, but I wasn't ready to hear it. What brought it home was reading Dr. Joseph Murphy's The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, specifically the 1963 edition. I've read it now 20+ times and it's always with me, including this morning as I write.

The Book that Shifted My Perspective

It made everything click.

  • I had been walking in faith without knowing it
  • Reprogramming my subconscious without realizing it 
  • Using systematic patience as bridge from vision to reality

If you don’t understand how powerful your subconscious is, read it. I feel more in control of my life than ever because I did.

How the Subconscious Mind Works in Your Favor

Your subconscious is always at work, absorbing and reinforcing the patterns you expose it to. It doesn’t judge; it simply accepts and executes. When you combine a clear vision with structured, intentional effort over time, the subconscious begins shaping your actions, decisions, and opportunities to match that vision.

  • The Law of Repetition: Your subconscious thrives on repeated thoughts and actions. The more you visualize and act on something, the more real it becomes.
  • The Power of Belief: Whether you call it faith, trust, or the law of attraction, your subconscious doesn’t differentiate—it simply aligns with what you deeply believe.
  • Systematic Patience is the Bridge: The subconscious works on its own timeline. Results don’t come instantly, but they come to those who persist. You have to be patient.

My Try Life On Journey: A Blueprint for Manifestation

From a young age I've never wanted status quo living. But I didn’t just “hope” for change. I look back now and realize I trained my mind to work with me. Here’s how:

Step 1: Envision It

At 15, I traveled across France for a month. That trip rewired my mind—I saw life beyond my Boston upbringing. The subconscious locked in the idea: There is more out there. You need to experience it.

At 25, I had another vision: I want financial freedom, time freedom, and geographic freedom to have more experiences like I did when I was 15. I didn’t just daydream about it. I wrote it down. I felt it. And most importantly, I trusted it would happen.


Step 2: Find or Build a System

The subconscious mind needs a framework to work within. That’s why I created my own freedom plan in 2002:

  1.  Define Your Why (family, lifestyle, freedom)
  2. Stop buying things that keep you trapped at work
  3. Pay yourself first - future self is your #1 bill
  4. Store money instead of just saving it
  5. When enough stored, buy assets that generate income
  6. Use that income + work paychecks to buy more assets
  7. Repeat. Repeat Again. Repeat again for years.  

 The subconscious doesn’t respond to random effort. It responds to structured, consistent action.


Step 3: Execute With Systematic Patience (faith)

It took 7 years to cover my basic needs through passive income

It took 14 years to surpass my corporate salary

It’s now year 28, and my assets buy more assets

Along the way, my subconscious was always working in the background—filtering opportunities, sharpening instincts, reinforcing belief. The process wasn’t immediate, but it was inevitable. As a result I've traveled to many countries and earned time, financial and geographic freedom. I've had experiences of a billionaire without having to be one. And the meaningful relationships that ensued are a gift from above -- including the entire Try Life On community.

Everything I’ve achieved followed this same pattern—vision, system, and years of execution.

  • NFL Tryout: 8 years. My system? (high school + college football + ASC Pro Tryout Camp). Didn’t make it, but lived my dream by trying.
  • HBO Series and Disney Movie Roles: 8 years. Earned SAG/AFTRA membership. Stayed connected with agent, took classes and knew opportunities would come.
  • Becoming a Police Officer: 5 years. My system? Leverage little known 'Job Share' program at the department to be able to do both corporate executive and patrol officer roles.
  • Special Agent on the Mediterranean Sea: 14 years. My system? Watched Jason Bourne do it in 2001 movie. Joined the Air Force Reserve, became a Federal Agent using a little-known program (IMA) to get positioned. Came to reality in 2015 in Turkey.

Faith vs. Strategy: Two Paths, Same Destination

I get it. Some people don’t believe in faith, and you don't have to. It's just as good to rely on strategy, discipline, and systematic execution to achieve goals. They trust in the process itself. Others understand the power of the subconscious mind and how belief accelerates success. Faith strengthens patience because it removes doubt. It allows you to persist when there’s no visible proof yet.

Whichever path you take, the mind is the key. Understanding its power is what I wanted to get across to you today.

And if this resonates with you and you want to go deeper, listen to the 100th episode of the Try Life On Podcast. I break down exactly how the subconscious mind works, how it has shaped my journey, and how you can train yours to work for you too.
