#40: How to Begin the Try Life On Process

newsletter Jan 13, 2025

People are shifting. So can you.

I engage lots with people on shifting lifestyle, time and location freedom, business building, accessing the world, making your personal extraordinary, ordinary, or simply how to adapt mindset away from status quo living. In other words, I talk Try Life On concepts and tactics with you constantly, sending 100s of voice notes a day, as well as through formal coaching. A genuine passion.

When I got the following message from Marie in Canada, I felt compelled to share as means to motivate and explain how to use the information I put out via newsletters, the podcast, coaching and the WhatsApp Community. I recognize it's a lot, so I'm going to break it down into basic terms so you can apply it to your own life.

Here's condensed messaging (personal info removed), and how she and her husband used Try Life On concepts to shift mindset and lifestyle (which makes me smile proudly).


Cher Maurice,

Expressing deepest gratitude for the impact you've had on our lives. My husband stumbled upon your work by chance after losing his job back in June, second time this year. Thanks to you, we've been following all (TLO) exercises, from mapping out the blueprint for Perfect Day, to using the spreadsheet to articulate our dreams and identify blockers.

As a result, my husband has more opportunities than ever before. I've also started going to the gym regularly and making significant progress on my book, focusing more on "dark green time" (note: a reference to a time freedom tool)...

(4 months later) 

Happy New Year. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas surrounded by loved ones. I remain such a huge fan of your work--your message resonates deeply, and I truly hope you can continue sharing it with the world. It's something we all need to hear!

I also wanted to thank you because, inspired by you, we've decided to take a big step this summer. My husband, who hasn't returned to (country in Northern Africa) in 30 years, will finally go back with us and our kids. We removed blockers, and it's all happening because of the courage and perspective you've helped us find.



It's not complicated. A basic 3-step roadmap.

The coolest thing to me is they ARE NOT coaching students. They just leaned into the info and started getting unapologetic about their life, putting down opinions of others holding them back. You can to.

1. Understand the Concept of Try Life On

Newsletter 36 - The Basics of Trying Life On

Podcast 49 - Unlocking Life's Playbook: Try Life On Q&A

Intent to help you build awareness.

  • status quo is default language you don't have to follow
  • awareness to plug into planet and earth as intended
  • develop habits to achieve five freedoms
  • create lifestyle you don't need vacation from
  • leverage 9-5 more than it leverages you
  • unwind decades default programming in favor of expansion

2. Execute the Try Life On Framework (Just like Marie!)

Newsletter 18 - The Guide to Creating Your Perfect Day

Podcast 84 - Coaching Session: Build Your Perfect Day Lifestyle

Podcast 23 - Coaching Session: In Pursuit of Freedom

Intent to introduce the framework and start executing

  • write your perfect day in extreme emotional detail
  • break it down into goals across five freedom areas
  • determine blockers keeping you from reaching goals
  • remove blockers. actions, relationships, info, mindsets
  • execute, iterate, reevaluate, execute again (x100)

Newsletter 18 deep dives the framework. Podcast 84 is a coaching student being challenged on his perfect day. Podcast 23 is a coaching student walking through his lifestyle blueprint (i.e. freedom goals, blockers, actions).

note: Thank you to students allowing me to share private sessions to help others.

 3. Leverage Other Tactical Information

Get intentional. Do the work. You're unique so not everything can be mapped out. Newsletters and podcast episodes are tactical information on topics to help you get over blockers in step 2. They're intended to build awareness or develop mindset, or provide detailed approaches to point problems and blockers on your lifestyle and financial blueprints. The point of coaching is that I help people map blueprints and quickly solve blockers, with accountability. Here's a few that tend to be used a lot as example.

  • newsletter 29, podcast 44 - how to protect and create time.
  • newsletter 33, 25, 24, podcast 37, 17 - financial freedom
  • newsletter 37, 38, podcast 92 - how to leverage 9-5
  • podcast 77, 86, 90, 61 - rewiring your mindset to Try Life On 


That's all you need.

Marie and her husband have shifted, mindsets evolved. They can't unsee what they've seen or 'un-feel' what they've felt. And that means Status Quo has lost them forever. I'm wanting the same for all of you. And if you don't think change is possible, garbage. I disagree. Everything is possible.

Podcast 91 - Blueprints for 2025: A Try Life On Community Call - has lots of success stories as told by people just like you. Leave your excuses and old mindsets behind.

The basic roadmap is enough. You don't need coaching, but if you want dedicated help, reach out.

Good luck!
